Circular to customers on privacy policy of Alpha Appliances Limited 

concerning the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (“Ordinance”)

We value your continued support of Alpha Appliances Limited (“Alpha Appliances”, “we” or “us”) as our customers. 

(1)Use of Data in Direct Marketing 

We intend to use your personal data in direct marketing and we may not do so unless we have your consent.

 (i)In this connection, we may use the following data of you held by us from time to time in direct marketing:-


    email address

    phone number



 (ii)The following classes of goods and services may be marketed using your personal data:


    (b)ventilation devices; 

    (c)electrical and electronic appliances;

    (d)installation, maintenance and repair services for the above-mentioned products

       (including sale of spare parts);

    (e)beverages and food; 

    (f)consumer products and services;

    (g)customer reward, loyalty or privilege programs; and

    (h)promotional/social events relating to any of (a) to (g) above.


(2)Provision of Data for Direct Marketing

We intend to provide your personal data to Alpha Group Companies for their use in direct marketing. We may not do so unless we have received your written consent to such intended provision. In this regard, 

(i)all kinds of personal data described in paragraph (1)(i) above may be provided by us to Alpha Group Companies for direct marketing; 

(ii)the same classes of goods and services as described in Paragraph (1)(ii) above may be marketed by Alpha Group Companies using your personal data.  

(3)If you have requests for access to data, correction of data, information regarding policies and practices and kinds of data held, you should address them to:- 


          Data Protection Officer 

          Alpha Appliances Limited

          1503 Dominion Centre,

          43-59 Queen’s Road East,

          Hong Kong

          Tel: 2529 7555



(4)In this Circular, the following expressions shall have the meanings given to them below :- 

“Alpha Group Companies” means all subsidiaries of Alpha General (Holdings) Limited, and all subsidiaries, affiliates of or companies controlled by Alpha Appliances or companies under common control with Alpha Appliances;  

“subsidiary” and “holding company” have the meanings given to them in the Companies Ordinance.